Neck Lift & Lower Facelift

Neck Lift & Lower Facelift Quick Facts
2-3 hours (depending on extent of procedure)
IV Sedation / General Anesthesia
Outpatient, unless patient desires to spend the night with us
Side Effects:
Mild swelling, chance of bruising, some numbness, tightness of neck
Recurrence of loose neck skin, noticeable scars
Presentable in 7-10 days with hair down and makeup. Can begin to introduce workouts in 2 weeks
Duration of Results:
With good skin quality, results may last 7-10 years.

A contoured, smooth neck that creates a well-defined jawline is universally associated with youth and attractiveness. When the neck’s skin and underlying muscles lose their firmness, the sagging can make women and men look older than they feel. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Kenkel performs neck lift surgery in Dallas to help patients from Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, and other nearby cities look more youthful by tightening both the skin and muscle and reducing underlying fat. A lower facelift also addresses the jawline.

My husband and I have both had work done, and we could not be happier. All questions were answered. From our first consultation visit to the final visit after surgery, it was professional, very considerate of our feelings, friendly and helpful at all times. Highly recommended.

– Real patient review

Neck Lift
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 6
Case: 1 of 6
Before & After Neck Lift Case 163 View #1 View in Dallas, Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Celina, Denton, Anna, TX
Before & After
Case: 1 of 5

Neck Lift Case #163

This 45 year old female lost 135 lbs and desired facial improvement.  She is shown here 6 months following necklift procedure. 
Before & After Direct Neck Excision Case 169 View #1 View in Dallas, Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Celina, Denton, Anna, TX
Before & After
Case: 2 of 5

Neck Lift Case #169

As a 68-year-old male, my patient sought to rejuvenate his appearance through an elective surgery known as Direct Neck Excision. He had been disconcerted by the sagging skin and general tired look on his neck, which made him believe he looked older than he felt. Determined to face the world with renewed confidence, he considered Direct Neck E... Read More
Before & After Neck Lift Case 164 View #1 View in Dallas, Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Celina, Denton, Anna, TX
Before & After
Case: 3 of 5

Neck Lift Case #164

This 41 year old female who had achieved massive weight loss, desired further neck improvement. She is shown here 18 months following her procedure.  Read More
Before & After Neck Lift Case 167 View #1 View in Dallas, Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Celina, Denton, Anna, TX
Before & After
Case: 4 of 5

Neck Lift Case #167

This 67 year old patient desired a more defined jawline.  These results are 6 months post op with pleasing results.
Before & After Direct Neck Excision Case 170 View #1 View in Dallas, Frisco, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Celina, Denton, Anna, TX
Before & After
Case: 5 of 5

Neck Lift Case #170

At age 55, the patient opted to pursue a Direct Neck Excision and a Neck Lift in Dallas to alleviate her concerns about sagging skin and the development of noticeable 'bands' around her neck area. Motivated by a desire to refine the contour of her neck and recapture a youthful appearance, she sought my expertise for her elective procedure.Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Am I a good candidate for a neck lift?

Our neck and jawline are often where we first notice skin laxity and changes. Fine lines such as crow’s feet around the eyes may appear earlier, but it’s often the aging neck that prompts people to first start thinking about cosmetic surgery. Women and men can both benefit from neck lift surgery and age is not much of a consideration.

People considering a neck lift want to:

  • Reduce or eliminate a “turkey neck” by removing excess, sagging skin
  • Smooth out wrinkles and creases throughout the neck
  • Improve the appearance of vertical neckbands
  • Remove fat causing a “double chin”
  • Improve the contour and shape of the jawline

A person’s overall health is more important than their age. You should be healthy enough to safely be under a general anesthetic for up to 3 hours and not have underlying medical conditions that could increase the risk of surgical complications.

For some patients, a direct neck excision is a better option. This outpatient procedure leaves a visible scar but requires less downtime and only removes excess skin from the neck.

What is the cost of a neck lift in Dallas & Frisco?

Dr. Kenkel customizes surgical procedures based on each patient’s concerns and goals, so quoting a specific price for a neck lift is difficult until you have had your consult and discussed realistic goals with Dr. Kenkel. During your visit, we provide a detailed quote that includes the fees associated with surgery. If you decide to move forward with your procedure, we require a $500 deposit to reserve a time and date just for you.

What is the difference between a facelift and a neck lift?

While a facelift typically includes addressing the neck, one can consider simply addressing the neck alone without any effect on the midfacial region. Dr. Kenkel can help you decide what procedure is best for you.

Here’s how the procedures differ:

Facelift: Multiple types of facelift surgeries exist, but when plastic surgeons talk about a facelift, it generally refers to a technique that elevates the skin and deeper tissues in the midface area toward the cheekbone, as well as improves the contours of the jawline and neck. A facelift involves making incisions in front of the ear with the goal of improving the cheeks, smile lines around the mouth, jowls, jawline, and neck. This is accomplished by reducing wrinkles and sagging skin in those areas.

Neck Lift: This surgery begins with small incisions made behind each ear and, in some cases, under the chin. These incisions are used to remove excess skin and to correct platysmal banding, which are vertical neckbands and an early sign of aging. It also addresses fat under the jawline, what is often called a “double chin.”

Lower Facelift: This procedure uses an incision in front of and behind the ears as well as one under the chin to sharpen the jawline and improve the contour of the neck.

Because many patients experience all of these concerns, it often makes sense to treat them all at one time with a procedure called a “facelift.”

Neck Lift Diagram

What happens to the platysma (green arrow) during facelift surgery-the bands (the front edge of the muscle) sutured together and the back edge tightened in a posterior-superior direction (blue arrows)

What can I expect after a neck lift?

Healing after a lower facelift or neck lift surgery depends on both the individual patient and the extent of the procedure. Dr. Kenkel provides patients with detailed post-operation instructions that, when closely followed, minimize the risk of complications and enhance the recovery process. Prescription pain medication can help manage symptoms after surgery, but many patients find that they don’t need to use them for more than a few days. Many patients experience numbness at the incision locations and tightness in the neck that will take a bit of time to completely resolve.

Movement is important after surgery, such as taking short walks, which helps promote circulation. Circulation is an important part of the healing process. Avoid eating salty foods because they contribute to swelling.

Swelling and bruising are minimal following the procedure, so the results are apparent very early. Many of our patients are presentable within 7 to 10 days of surgery.

A Passion for Facial Plastic Surgery

Jeffrey Kenkel, MD, FACS

At the apex of an accomplished career, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Kenkel is enthusiastic about turning his focus exclusively to facial plastic surgery and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation. Known for creating understated yet remarkable results, Dr. Kenkel ranks among the best plastic surgeons in the greater Dallas area.

  • Chair of the Department of Plastic Surgery, UT Southwestern
  • D Magazine, Best Doctors in Dallas 10+ years
  • Past president, The Aesthetic Society
  • Past president of Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons
Meet Dr. Kenkel

Credentials You Can Trust

Credentials logos, Best D 2022, The Aesthetics Society Logo, ASPS, ISAPS, Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons, ASLMS, Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons, FACS, ABPS Credentials logos, Best D 2022, ASPS, ISAPS, Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons, ASLMS, Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons, FACS, ABPS

How long does it take to recover from a neck lift?

Patients can generally expect to be off work for 1 to 2 weeks after neck lift surgery. During the consultation, Dr. Kenkel discusses the expected recovery timeline, including when patients can return to more strenuous activities.

Recovery Timeline

While patient experiences vary, expect to progress through the following general milestones when recovering from a neck lift:

  • Stay in hospital: not needed
  • Keep upper body elevated: 7 days
  • Sutures removed: 6 to 7 days
  • Wear chin compression strap: continuously for 7 to 10 days, then at night for 7 days
  • Ready to go in public: 7 to 10 days (patients whose hair covers their ears)
  • Resume workouts: 2 weeks
  • Limit salt intake (to minimize swelling): 4 to 6 weeks
  • Numbness in surgical areas fades: 3 to 4 months

Be sure to follow Dr. Kenkel’s specific recovery instructions closely. He encourages patients to reach out to his office during recuperation with any questions they might have.

Are there alternatives to a neck lift?

Not all patients who want to improve the contours of their necks need a neck lift. This is especially true for women and men who are concerned about excess fat that can accumulate below the chin, creating the appearance of a double chin. Neck liposuction is a surgical alternative to address this concern in appropriate patients.

The FaceTite skin tightening procedure can be a nonsurgical alternative to a neck lift for people with mild to moderate laxity; however, neck lift surgery is often the superior option as Dr. Kenkel explains in this blog post.

Can I combine a neck lift with other procedures?

Yes. In addition to performing neck lift surgery with facelift procedures, Dr. Kenkel combines it with other facial rejuvenation procedures, including:

  • Dermal fillers to fill out flattened cheeks and lips and reduce hollows around the eyes
  • Chin augmentation with a synthetic implant or filler injections to add definition to the jawline

Neck Lift FAQ

Q: What’s the best age to get neck lift surgery?

A: Neck lift procedures do not have an age restriction. It can be a good option for some patients in their 40s, especially those who have lost significant weight. Most are in their 50s, 60s, and above.

Q: How long does a neck lift last?

A: While plastic surgery cannot stop the aging process, the results of a neck lift last approximately 7 to 10 years. You can preserve your neck lift results by practicing healthy lifestyle habits and protecting your skin from the sun.

Q: Is the surgery safe?

A: When you choose an experienced facial plastic surgeon who screens you carefully, neck lift surgery is considered safe. Risks are lowered when the procedure is performed with local anesthetic and sedation instead of general anesthetic.

Q: How painful is neck lift surgery?

A: Patients typically feel discomfort, not pain, for the first few days, but they can control it with prescription pain medication. The neck may feel tight and/or numb as tissues relax and heal.

Q: How much younger does a neck lift make you look?

A: When paired with a lower facelift, a neck lift can make patients look approximately 8 to 10 years younger.

Q: Does neck lift surgery help with sagging jowls?

A: Neck lifts can reduce a double chin and correct vertical neck bands, but a facelift is typically needed to tighten the jawline.

Request a Consultation

If you’re looking in the Dallas, Frisco, and North Texas area for a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform neck lift surgery, request a consultation using the online form or call Dr. Kenkel’s office at (214) 645-3112 to schedule an appointment.
